In this day and age, internet marketing is one of the most important methods of marketing simply because of how widely used the internet is. With that said, more than nine-tenths of the time someone goes on the internet, their visit involves the use of a search engine. Unsurprisingly, search engines are a huge part of online marketing because people generally search for products or services via search engines like Google.
Google actually receives about 70 percent of the internet search engine market share. Many businesses in America rely on search engine optimization services to beef up their presence on search engines. SEO marketing is extremely beneficial to companies and especially small businesses. Leads generated through SEO actually have a 14.6 close rate while outbound leads pale in comparison with a 1.7 percent close rate.
Around 42 percent of internet search users click on the top-ranking organic result. Therefore, SEO companies are nearly indispensable to the online marketing needs of a company. Search engine optimization companies are also great because of their communication skills with their clients. SEO reporting tools can tell clients exactly what was done and show room for improvement, and many companies who use SEO marketing services consider the SEO reporting tools to be one of the major reasons they trust the company.
At the end of the day, the internet is arguably the most powerful tool known to man, and as such, companies looking for exposure invest in online marketing solutions that will garner recognition among the public. If your company is looking for a way to improve exposure, look no further than your local SEO company.